Development of the accounting policy
The accounting policy is a fundamental document regulating the accounting process in the organization. Accounting policy is not only the rules and procedures, which being applied to ensure proper handling of financial information by the staff of the organization, but also a right implementation tool. As the right implementation tool the accounting policy is required to make a right choice from a number of accounting types established by the legislation. The right choice will allow you to regulate many processes of your business, improve the efficiency of the usage of the resources, protect from unfortunate errors, reduce risks of claims from the tax authorities, make your statements more transparent, and the business more attractive to investors.
The “W. Jacobs – Audit” CJSC has a significant experience in the development of accounting policies for various types of organizations. Our experts will ensure the preparation of the accounting policies by taking into account the characteristics of your organization, including the description of the accounting principles, methods of evaluation of assets and liabilities, principles of grouping and evaluation of the results of activities of the organization, description of the main schemes of accounting records, chart of accounts, system of the accounting registers and financial statements’ standard forms.