Municipal enterprises

  • “Marketing-Service” LLC
  • Rural Public Association of Drinking Water Consumers (Kemin)
  • Municipal enterprise “Taza Suu”, Talas
  • Communal enterprise “Shopokov City Improvement Plant”
  • Municipal enterprise “Tokmok Vodokanal”
  • Production-operating department “Bishkekvodokanal”
  • Balykchy municipal enterprise “Vodokanal”
  • Karakol municipal enterprise “Vodokanal”
  • Naryn municipal enterprise “Vodokanal”
  • Rural Public Association of drinking water consumers “Kerben-Taza-Suu”
  • Municipal enterprise “Taza-Suu” under Batken city administration
  • Cholpon-Ata municipal enterprise “Vodokanal”
  • Municipal enterprise “Toktogul municipal production-operating company “Suu Kanal”
  • Jalalabad city budget municipal enterprise “Special auto base of sanitary cleaning”
  • Osh municipal enterprise “Heat Supply”
  • Specialized municipal enterprise “Osh-Tazalyk”

Other clients

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720051, Bishkek, Salieva street, 72