International expirience

  • PF “AIDS East-West Fund” in Kazakhstan
  • National Children Fund of Turkmenistan, UNHCR project “Financial and medical assistance to urban refugees  in Turkmenistan”
  • PU “Keyik Okara”, UHCR project “Legal assistance to refugees and emergency management, preparedness training” 
  • PU “Keyik Okara”, UNHCR project “Legal assistance to persons without documentation”
  • UNDP Kazakhstan Project “Long-term joint cooperation for capacity building for AIDS control in Central Asia”
  • German Development Bank Grant “Fund for the promotion of the basic education and community infrastructure”, National Statistical Committee of Tajik Republic
  • “Dushanbe Water Supply” Project
  • “Water supply system management with the means of the communities” Project, Tajikistan
  • Second credit for the structural adjustments, Ministry of Finance of Tajikistan
  • External aid coordination center under the Administration of the President of Tajikistan
  • “Imkoniyat” Microcredit Fund, Tajikistan
  • PF “Millennium. Development in cooperation”, Tajikistan
  • PU “SUGDAGROSERV”, Tajikistan
  • “Save the Children” (UK), Tajikistan
  • HOPE Project, Tajikistan
  • State Unitary Company “Tajikgas”
  • State Unitary Company “Dushanbevodokanal”
  • Grant “National Environmental Action Plan”, the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan
  • “Institutional Development/Technical Assistance” Project, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Turkmenistan

Other clients

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