Banks and other financial institutions

  • Deposits Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Bishkek Branch of the National Bank of Pakistan
  • “Tolubai” JSB CJSC
  • “Bank of Asia” CJCS
  • “Bank Bakai” CJSC
  • “Kyrgyz-Swiss Bank” CJSC
  • “Manas Bank” CJSC
  • “Bai Tushum & Partners” Microfinance Bank CJSC
  • “Interbank Processing Center” CJSC
  • “Oxus” Microfinance Company” CJSC
  • “Chang An” Microfinance Company” CJSC
  • “Salym-finance” CJSC
  • “Eco Islamic Bank” CJSC
  • “Capital Bank” CJSC
  • “Kyrgyz Agricultural Finance Corporation” (KAFC)
  • “Business Credit” MCC
  • “Kumtor” Microcredit Agency
  • Microcredit Agency Financial Fund “Bai Tushum”
  • RK “Amanbank” JSC
  • “Ayil Bank” JSC
  • “KyrgyzCredit Bank” CJSC
  • “Settlement and Savings Company” JSC
  • “FinanceCreditBank” JSC
  • “Green Telecom Service” LLC
  • “Frontiers” MCC LLC
  • “Universal Credit” MCC LLC
  • “United Instant Payment System” LLC
  • “Payment Center” LLC
  • “Pay 24” LLC
  • “Financial Company of credit unions” JSC
  • PF “Ai-Ken” Microcredit Agency
  • Mutual Investment Fund of interval type “Altyn Capital”

Other clients

Посмотреть на карте Бишкека
720051, Bishkek, Salieva street, 72