Public and non-profit organizations

  • PU “Reproductive Health Alliance” PU “Future without corruption”
  • PU "Future without corruption"
  • PU “Internews”
  • PU “Resource Center For The Elderly People”
  • PU “Mass Media Support Centre” 
  • PF ”Alliance on protection of child rights”
  • PF “AIDS East-West Fund” in the Kyrgyz Republic
  • PF “SOS Kinderdorf – Kyrgyzstan” 
  • PF “Working group on elimination of child labor in tobacco-growing”
  • ALE “Association of international road carriers of the Kyrgyz Republic”
  • Branch of Non-Profit Organization “Danish Church Aid”  in Kyrgyzstan
  • Rural Advisory Service Foundation 

Other clients

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720051, Bishkek, Salieva street, 72